Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tau V Dark Angels 1850 emperors will 7-5 win

In the first turn I killed a few marines which weakened key units units. A nova charged riptide killed 4 terminators setting the tone of the game. He hurt the broadsides and killed a drone. Turn 2 killed a few more terminators, dreadnought and a landspeeder, rippy deep struck and killed a few guys. My opponent replied with his missiles, killed a broadside and more path finders died from bolt fire. Crisis suits killed some marines, rippy killed more termies and longstrike finished them off. Turn 3 killed bikes and landspeeder from fire warriors, riptide killed a few scouts, crisis suits killed marines with plasma. Turn 4 Crisis suits killed the marines moved up and killed dev squad and got line breaker, turn 5 longstrike killed the warlord with a railgun the crisis suits killed a few more marines with plasma and melta. Moving the riptides and crisis suits up very aggressively helped this game and I had tailored my list to deal with power and terminator armour. There is more of this to come because I added two more crisis suits armed with twin linked fusion blasters and a third with a twin linked plasma rifle these three all have burst cannons and the plasma rifle suit has a target lock, this team is used a lot with Shadowsun. This deployment was very similar to the last game.  photo WP_000576_zps14b2ded1.jpg Rippy junior (armed with the ion accelerator) pushes up the board.  photo WP_000577_zpse0a64cb6.jpg The other riptide arrives in his deployment zone, shoots the burst cannon and then jumps back.  photo WP_000578_zps45a70486.jpg

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