Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tau V Space Wolves Big guns never tire draw

My broadsides captured a point and a single broadside remained after the rune priest unleashed the dreaded jaws attack. After the initial onslaught the Tau pushed back and reinforcments pushed the wolves back. The remaining missile broadside survived salvo after salvo of bolter rounds and continued to dish out the pain, killing a number of marines and blowing up another land speeder it even killed an assaulting marine sergeant with overwatch. Infiltrating scouts picked off marines with their rail rifles. Rippy the riptide deep struck and drew a lot of fire and managed to tie up some wolves and riders in combat after killing a few more units. The R’varna and the other riptide were the units of the game, the R’varna’s devastating first barrage killed a unit of space wolves in cover and also killed the warlord. In the next turn it wiped out a unit of missile launcher and plasma cannon marines. The nova charged volley fire is lethal. The crisis suits killed one landspeeder and blew up a rhino before being killed by a terminator. Two other crisis suits killed the remaining sergeant that had been harassed by the scouts. This was my first time using the R'Varna with the original rules where the weapons were AP3 not AP4. I know that this nerf will make it a little more balanced but nova charging the weapon now means you cant fire the weapons at all in the next turn. From now on I think I will be just nova charging the shield or to move it, depending on how the game is panning out. Using the ion accelerator on the riptide (the other one has a burst cannon) with a nova charged ripple fire is unreal when targeting marines in cover, the marker lights stripped the cover and the marines were slaughtered.

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