Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tau V Dark Angels 1850 kill everything10 -7 win

He got first blood by killing infiltrating path finders, everything else failed to wound. Tau turn 1 rippy kills scouts, longstrike killed a dreadnought, broadsides killed 4 bikes, bursthead killed 3 marines and a nova charged ion weapon killed 5 in cover. Turn 2 lost nothing killed more bikes, rippy killed a scout, bursthead moved up to go for line breaker. Focus fire killed a termie squad and a few marines. rippy and rippy junior died from plasma, Las and bolter fire. My opponent conceded at the end of turn 2 because I had killed his units that could have hurt me. The core of this list (2 riptides, crisis team, longstirke and broadsides) are the units I am going to use from now on as it is very manoeuvrable and has a lot of AP2 and AP3 weapons. Depending on the army I am facing I will sub in more broadsides or the R'Varna. The two deployment zones, the broadsides were in a really good position to cover all approaches, longstrike was cover my left flank and aiming between two cliffs. The iontide (rippy junior) was doing the same from the right flank.  photo WP_000570_zps18795cd9.jpg Just a bit of moving around not too much shooting.  photo WP_000571_zps0fe82f77.jpg The bursthead is moving up the right flank, getting line breaker and flushing his troops out.  photo WP_000572_zps099872c0.jpg Rippy junior is dead in the middle of the board.  photo WP_000574_zpsb0c0b290.jpg Longstrike moves up to finish off a squad of marines.  photo WP_000579_zps2a0a9934.jpg Longstrike points at his next kill  photo WP_000580_zps49d3aab2.jpg

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