Sunday, February 9, 2014
Tau V Tyranids Apoc game win
This game was played over a few days I used my Tau army and my girlfriend who took an interest last year used my Tau army. I deployed my Tau army as far back as possible using the bastion and aegis defence line as blocking terrain to hopefully slow down the tyranid horde. My opponent deployed as far up the board as possible. I got first turn and moved the fire warriors up to the defence lines. The swarms were not in range of my pulse rifles and smart missiles so began hammering in the monstrous creatures with my rail guns. I knocked a few wounds of the hierodule and tyranofex. Killing the hierodule was a number 1 priority.
In her turn 1 she moved up and fired some long range weapons but the cover saves saved the fire warriors. Turn 2 I moved up my burst cannon hammerhead which excelled in this game and killed off the huge amount of gaunts and genestealers that were getting very close to my lines. I nova charged the riptide and it hammered into a tervigon knocking it down to 1 wound. There was a second line of gaunts behind the monstrous creatures which I had to kill quickly. At the start of her turn 2 her trygon and mawloc arrived close to my lines but failed to hurt my units but I had to target these creatures. On my left flank she had moved up a group of 3 carnifexes that I had neglected until they started shooting at my broadsides. In turn 3 I moved my units a bit to get line of sight on bigger threats. My crisis suits moved up and incinerated the warriors and finished them off with burst cannons. I used the 2 quad guns to hammer into the hierodule which was just behind the defence line. The riptide shredded the harpy with the nova charged burst cannon. Longstrike and the other railhead put 2 wounds on the swarmlord which was her warlord. My 3 broadside teams dealt a huge amount of damage, the high yield missiles finished off the tervigon. The heavy rail guns killed the hierodule. In her third turn she charged moved and ran everything her genestealers got into close combat with my bursthead and blew it up 5 genestealers were killed in the explosion.
In my turn 4 I regrouped, pulling my fire warriors back and closer to the tanks and suits to use over watch and support fire. I left the fireblade with the quad gun furthest from the army to kill the swarmlord which he did. The carnifexes that were pushing down my left flank failed a charge and faced a huge amount of fire power from the broadsides and riptide they were finished off from a barrage from the pulse rifles and carbines. The plasma and melta suits killed the tyranofex and jumped up the board to get linebreaker. In the bottom of 4 she charged everything and got a number of gaunts and a tervigon into close combat the rest of the army was killed off in over watch and support fire.
The game ended because she only had a few units left that would have been killed off in the next shooting phase.
I learned that deploying close together and moving forward helps screw up deep striking units and that falling back while firing against hordes keeps them at bay and by the time they get into cc they have little chance of killing everything.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Tau V Imperial Guard Win 1850
After the last game ended so quickly me and my opponent played a second game where we deployed across from each other. He quickly picked off 1 of my path finder teams but the other survived. He moved a hellhound down my right flank which came into my broadsides' view and was quickly blown up. A second hellhound was destroyed by longstirke who gets preferred enemy and re-rolls everything not that he needed in this game as he swiftly took revenge on the leman russ vanquisher which had been a pain in the previous game. My piranhas and shadownsun & friends pushed up the right flank destroying vehicles and applying pressure while other units kept firing and glancing/blowing up tanks. On the left flank the riptides pushed up and smashed a chimera which didn't blow up and the survivors assaulted the riptide but were killed in CC, at this point the game was well won in my favour but I broke combat using hit & run with the riptide and ended up in my enemies deployment zone blocking in his surviving troops and confirming that I'd have line breaker.
Using the riptides & crisis suits aggressively I caught the enemy in a pincer and he couldn't move anywhere. Picking a unit of the game is difficult because each unit earned its points back. I think Shadowsun & friends should get it for wrecking 3 tanks in a single turn.
Tau V Imperial Guard 1850 loss
My opponent deployed first but I ceased and thought I would be able to do huge damage but his aegis defence line kept giving him huge saves and undoubtedly saved a number of his tanks on numerous occasions. My piranhas went up the flank and very quickly killed a tank. He returned fire with beast hunter shells that killed a riptide. Shadowsun with the 2 twin linked fusion blaster and plasma crisis suits arrived behind his tanks and started popping vehicles but it was too little too late.
Didn't learn whole lot from this game, my opponent has been playing for over 10 years versus my 6 months and did everything right he was impressed and surprised at my tactics with the piranhas and shadowsun.
Tau V Minotaurs 1850 4-3 loss
We had night fight and he moved up and his drop pod arrived and jaws killed 2 suits. Tau 1 killed a rhino with path finders and fire warriors, R'Varna put 1 glance on a land raider out of 12 and fire warriors killed more marines, riptide killed 5 marines with plasma and ion. Turn 2 he moved up to the high ground to capture the points, land raider killed 7 fire warriors with flame and assault cannon, marines killed another path finder, melta killed a drone, krak missiles killed a drone and hurt the riptide. Turn 2 Tau R'Varna killed the landraider, fire warriors killed off more marines. Turn 3 riptide died, shadowsun arrived and killed 4 marines, broadside killed the last landspeeder, fire warriors with fireblade killed the marines turn 4 killed 3 marines with longstrike and broadside, shadowsun and plasma suit killed 2 marines and captured a point and got like breaker, varna hurt a terminator. Turn 5 marine blew himself up and shadowsun took fire. Varna died in cc, turn 6 game ended 4-3 loss I had line breaker 1st blood and slay the warlord. He had line breaker and 1 point another was contested.
Tau V Dark Angels 1850 kill everything10 -7 win
He got first blood by killing infiltrating path finders, everything else failed to wound. Tau turn 1 rippy kills scouts, longstrike killed a dreadnought, broadsides killed 4 bikes, bursthead killed 3 marines and a nova charged ion weapon killed 5 in cover. Turn 2 lost nothing killed more bikes, rippy killed a scout, bursthead moved up to go for line breaker. Focus fire killed a termie squad and a few marines. rippy and rippy junior died from plasma, Las and bolter fire. My opponent conceded at the end of turn 2 because I had killed his units that could have hurt me. The core of this list (2 riptides, crisis team, longstirke and broadsides) are the units I am going to use from now on as it is very manoeuvrable and has a lot of AP2 and AP3 weapons. Depending on the army I am facing I will sub in more broadsides or the R'Varna.
The two deployment zones, the broadsides were in a really good position to cover all approaches, longstrike was cover my left flank and aiming between two cliffs. The iontide (rippy junior) was doing the same from the right flank.
Just a bit of moving around not too much shooting.
The bursthead is moving up the right flank, getting line breaker and flushing his troops out.
Rippy junior is dead in the middle of the board.
Longstrike moves up to finish off a squad of marines.
Longstrike points at his next kill
Tau V Dark Angels 1850 emperors will 7-5 win
In the first turn I killed a few marines which weakened key units units. A nova charged riptide killed 4 terminators setting the tone of the game. He hurt the broadsides and killed a drone. Turn 2 killed a few more terminators, dreadnought and a landspeeder, rippy deep struck and killed a few guys. My opponent replied with his missiles, killed a broadside and more path finders died from bolt fire. Crisis suits killed some marines, rippy killed more termies and longstrike finished them off. Turn 3 killed bikes and landspeeder from fire warriors, riptide killed a few scouts, crisis suits killed marines with plasma. Turn 4 Crisis suits killed the marines moved up and killed dev squad and got line breaker, turn 5 longstrike killed the warlord with a railgun the crisis suits killed a few more marines with plasma and melta.
Moving the riptides and crisis suits up very aggressively helped this game and I had tailored my list to deal with power and terminator armour. There is more of this to come because I added two more crisis suits armed with twin linked fusion blasters and a third with a twin linked plasma rifle these three all have burst cannons and the plasma rifle suit has a target lock, this team is used a lot with Shadowsun.
This deployment was very similar to the last game.
Rippy junior (armed with the ion accelerator) pushes up the board.
The other riptide arrives in his deployment zone, shoots the burst cannon and then jumps back.
Tau V Tyranids 1850 relic 6-0 win
I got first 1st blood by lighting up a tyrant which died from a barrage of fire. The varna hurt the hive tyrant and killed a gargolye, the piranhas killed more gargoyles, rippy killed the remaining gargoyles in another unit, split fire from the broadsides hurt a hive tyrant and killed more gargoyles, longstrike hurt the hive tyrant bringing it 2 1 wound left. Fire blade and his unit killed 3 rippers. The varna nova charged hurt itself and failed rippy didnt nids moved up and spawned a few gaunts. Gargoyles killed a pathfinder. Turn 2 piranhas killed hive tyrant and broadsides killed off the tervigon. Fire warriors killed gaunts rippy and varna nova charged failed but got feel no pain. Rippy killed more gaunts. Suicide squad hurt a biovore.
Nids turn2 mawloc popped up and killed a piranha. Trygon popped up and so did more nids. Turn 3 lost a broadside hurt the trygon and mawloc, crisis team hurt the biovores killing 1 other team killed more gaunts. Varna died and rippy got down to 1 wound, longstrike killed the doom after it finished off the broadsides, mawloc popped up but scattered away from the crisis suits which had come over from killing the biovores with overwatch. These suits killed off the gargoyles and a few gaunts. 2 other suits killed loads of gaunts before they got killed by a trygon the fireblade and his squad killed gaunts as they ran for the relic but were killed in cc, ethereal and his unit slaughtered a gargoyle and the rippers in cc.
My opponent started his hive tyrant, tervigon and 2 units of gargoyles on the board. The majority of these died very quickly. He did say he planned on pushing the tervigon up to the relic and keep spawning gaunts but unfortunately for him I got first turn and flattened a huge amount of his vanguard. As you can see from the summary there was a lot of killing, I did get worried when my opponents mawloc, trygon and gaunts popped up in my deployment zone. I had kept my flamer crisis teams in reserve and they came on and slaughtered 16 gaunts in one torrent of flame. This was a turning point of the game otherwise I would have had a huge up hill struggle as the tyranids came in all around me. It was a little closer than I would have liked (I know the score doesn't represent that) but the Doom caused a huge amount of chaos until it came into the open and got blown apart by longstirke who killed/wounded a unit in every turn.I didn't get to use the R'Varna as much as I would have liked (I wanted to pie plate massive hordes just to see the hordes disintegrate infront of us). In the end I had the relic and a few units scattered around the board. 1 crisis team that had deep struck to kill the biovores came across the board killing a unit every turn which was a huge key to winning.
The deployment, view from the Tau lines. The pathfinders infiltrated into the ruins and behind the wall. The relic is on the hill in the middle.
End of Tau shooting phase the majority of the gargoyles were killed and the hive tyrant took a beating. There are biovores hiding in the ruins, these were killed by the crisis suits.
Feel like I was being over run, the hormagaunts in the foreground behind the trygon were killed by the deep striking flamer suits, this one move more or less won the game. The trygon focused on these suits instead of the R'Varna. The riptide also killed a number of these troops. The gaunts in front of the R'Varna pushed my fire warriors and fire blade closer to the relic and eventually were ran down and killed.
The crisis team has killed the hormagaunts and haven't been attacked by the trygon just yet. The photo looks less chaotic after a planned shooting phase. I didn't use the R'Varna on the gaunts on the off chance the shots scattered onto the fire warriors or back onto the R'Varna itself.
Tau V Ravenwing 1850 Big guns 11-0 win
I had first turn and reployed slightly to give me better line of sight and over lapping lines of fire. The R'Varna and rippy nova charged and ripped a unit of bikes apart which were finished off by a broadside team. Rippy died in the following volley. Crisis suits and the broadsides started blowing the landspeeders to bits. R'Varna killed off a few more bikes. In the final stages the R'Varna, crisis suits, broadsides and fire warriors killed charging bikes with overwatch and support fire. His HQ died from plasma, melta and burst cannon fire from 2 remaining crisis suits. R'Varna smashed a few bikes which broke combat, retreated and got blown up. Longstrikes hammerhead had two hull points left until fire from plasma guns wrecked it but didn't blow it up, it did manage to kill a few bikes and jink a few other shots. Since it didn't blow up it gave my fire warriors with the ethereal a bit of cover and blocked line of sight. After the first charge the R'Varna broke off and started firing at the bikes but the shot scattered and killed the remaining 2 fire warriors and drone from the ethereals squad. I have started to deploy the crisis suits and riptides on the board and use them as a unit to screen the softer fire warriors and vulnerable tanks. Doing this is also proving to be very effective on units who can only shoot or move. They act as a huge target and distract heavy weapons from other units e.g. Broadsides and fire warriors.
My opponent had 30 bikes and 6-7 land speeders and Sammael. Instead of prioritising certain units I had prioritise the bikes that could cause serious damage, the plasma bikes.
I castled with a lot of heavy fire power facing the bikes, I figured that my opponent had to come from that direction because his other corner was cluttered and could cause issues for his army. The R'Varna's nova charged weapons (with AP3) caused havoc. A lot of his speeders came straight at me and were ripped apart by the broadsides and crisis suits.
My opponents deployment, his bikes came straight into my gunlines, the pathfinders in the ruins were killed my turn 3 but used their markerlights and rail rifles to great success.
I face being over run by the bikes, the destroyed hammerhead was a blessing in disguise because it gave the fire warriors cover and blocked line of sight and the fire warriors could shoot at the bikes out in the open. I wasn't sure if I should use both the crisis suits and broadside to kill Sammael. The lone pathfinder glanced the nearest landspeeder which was finished off by the two rail-side suits, the other landspeeder was hit 5 times by a mix of smart missiles and high yield missiles the majority of these penned. The crisis suits unleashed everything into Sammael and killed him, after he had killed the other suit in their team.
Tau V Chaos 1500 tournament draw
In this game we had to capture key objectives but uncontested and contested points were worth points.
I got slay the warlord, 8 for holding a point and 4 for an uncontested point. The Varna did ok no wounds and once again killed a lot of units with the nova charged weapons. Broadside team and firewarriors with ethereal destroyed a biker squad which got slay the warlord. Suicide squad killed a single obliterator but tied up 3 squads for shooting. Rippy got killed in cqc and killed a few models including a hull point on the hell turkey which was finished off by a barrage of plasma, missiles and railguns from the broadsides. Final turn forced a draw after I blew up a transport and enemy troops captured a point but my remaining broadsides hammered into them with missiles and railguns, the railhead captained by longstrike killed 1 with the rail-submunition (I didn't have a clear line of sight to use the solid shot), the R'Varna killed 3 with the ramped up cannons the surviving guy was blown to bits by a seeker missile and failed the armour and feel no pains. Special rules were everything has a cover save and the board is all difficult terrain. I may reconsider deep striking Rippy, the only thing that can really hurt him is jaws, having him and the other riptide and broadsides gives me skyfire and interceptor.
This was the end of my first tournament I finished mid-table which I was happy about considering I only played 2/5 games. Can't wait for the next one with my low AP list.
Tau V Dark Angels 1500pts kill points 18-6 win
In this game I got linebreaker, slay the warlord and a huge amount of kill points. The Varna (with the old rules) killed the command squad with another barrage from the nova charged weapon after it hurt itself in the previous turn. The riptide did a similar move after killing a number of bikes. The Piranha’s got line breaker after killing off a number of marines. Rippy pushed up into the opposing deployment zone, nova charged and killed off a few surviving marines. Longstrike in his hammerhead had an average game by only killing a few terminators but caused a dreadnought to blow up after being hit once. Rippy, the piranha’s and the crisis suits pushed up the left flank and centre while the Varna, hammerhead and fire warriors held back on the right. The only units lost in this game were the infiltrating scouts.
My opponent had a troop heavy list which didn't allow longstike to be used to his full potential even though he killed 3 terminators and blew up a dreadnought with a penetrating hit. I knew my opponent was new at the game and was happy to let me play with the R'Varna after I told him what it can do. I decided to have some fun by playing very aggressively and push the riptide and crisis suits up the board dividing his troops into easy to kill units. This tactic has won me 2 big games since playing this game.
His terminators arrived right behind Longstrike's hammerhead but failed to damage it with the missiles or storm bolters. A second squad arrived infront of the ruins and were quickly shot to pieces. Longstrike had moved in my turn (only an inch or so) to get a jink save and I was very lucky in my rolling. In my turn the terminators were killed by a lot of AP1 and AP2 weapons from the hammerhead and broadsides.
Tau V Space Wolves Big guns never tire draw
My broadsides captured a point and a single broadside remained after the rune priest unleashed the dreaded jaws attack. After the initial onslaught the Tau pushed back and reinforcments pushed the wolves back. The remaining missile broadside survived salvo after salvo of bolter rounds and continued to dish out the pain, killing a number of marines and blowing up another land speeder it even killed an assaulting marine sergeant with overwatch. Infiltrating scouts picked off marines with their rail rifles. Rippy the riptide deep struck and drew a lot of fire and managed to tie up some wolves and riders in combat after killing a few more units. The R’varna and the other riptide were the units of the game, the R’varna’s devastating first barrage killed a unit of space wolves in cover and also killed the warlord. In the next turn it wiped out a unit of missile launcher and plasma cannon marines. The nova charged volley fire is lethal. The crisis suits killed one landspeeder and blew up a rhino before being killed by a terminator. Two other crisis suits killed the remaining sergeant that had been harassed by the scouts.
This was my first time using the R'Varna with the original rules where the weapons were AP3 not AP4. I know that this nerf will make it a little more balanced but nova charging the weapon now means you cant fire the weapons at all in the next turn. From now on I think I will be just nova charging the shield or to move it, depending on how the game is panning out.
Using the ion accelerator on the riptide (the other one has a burst cannon) with a nova charged ripple fire is unreal when targeting marines in cover, the marker lights stripped the cover and the marines were slaughtered.
Tau V Space Wolves 1500 loss 16-14 tournament
This was my first tournament game and his deep striking rune priest with jaws killed off a few of the broadsides leaving my units at disadvantage. I have started flanking my fusion blaster piranha’s down one side to engage lightly armoured vehicles or elite troops e.g. terminators. Unfortunately they ran into landspeeders with multimeltas and were quickly blown up. Surprisingly my fire warriors held their own in combat against attacking units. Using the fireblade and ethereal to give plus 1 shot (placing the ethereal within range of both squads adds a huge amount of fire power). In doing this and using marker lights to strip cover and imrpove BS I was able to get 84 shots off and kill the majority of the wolves in cover. My opponent charged in and lost a few more to overwatch and support fire. The fire warriors won the combat through weight of numbers. Concentrated fire from two units and the jumping riptide & fusion + plasma suits wreaked havoc in the enemy lines killing a land raider and a squad of long fangs.
I did well in my first tournament game and learned to be weary of jaws and a unit of plasma marines and deploy carefully and start the riptide on the board to hopefully blow the drop pod out of the sky otherwise I'll have a bad day. My opponent jokes that jaws is only good for one round but you throw a lot at it to kill the squad and rune priest or face loosing another handful of units.
The drones and fire warriors hammered into the wolves in the adjacent cover, the long fangs are hiding in the cover in the background.
Tau V Dark Eldar (all wins)
I've played this opponent 4-5 times with a fairly standard list and won each game. I quickly popped his transports and other vehicles and then picked off the survivors. Some of the highlights from these games are the scourages would arrive, shoot a bit and then get shredded. The forgeworld hammerhead with the heavy burst cannons, missile drones and burst cannon devastates anything in the dark eldar army. A riptide held the HQ up in CC for a few turns and dying from one poke from a poison weapon. As a rule of thumb for playing Dark Eldar I deploy far away as possible with line of sight to his transports and blow them up using rail weapons. The lance weapons are a pain though and must be taken out ASAP because they reduce all armour on vehicles to 12. Using cover and jink saves has saved my vehicles on a number of times.
My typical deployment which is a bit spread out but my opponent wasn't deep striking. I try to keep heavy weapons protecting my flanks depending on what can threaten my flank
These suits would either deep strike and blow a vehicle up or rely on other units to pop the vehicle and mop up and survivors. Then they would drop back to avoid being attacked.
A brave stand from the Ethereal and his fire warriors, they would shoot, fall back and shoot again hoping that the terrain would slow down the dark elder.
Tau V Space Marines Loss
Horrible loss, a game I want to forget
I deployed to thinly and my opponent had an army of grav-cannon centurions which with night fight and him ceasing really hurt me. I had planned to use my railguns+fusion weapons to kill/wound a number of them off very quickly and try to finish them off with pulse shots. The centurions marched up the board and took out my hammerheads which was game over, I managed to kill 3 centurions and my opponent tabled me. I should have deployed much closer together and had lines of fire warriors screening my tanks from the on coming centurions. Doing this would have bought me time to re-deploy and shoot them up a bit more.
Tau V Crimson fists 1850
The deployment favored my ranged weapons as I sat back and waited for the fight to come to me while I outflanked with infiltrators and piranha’s. Not having any tanks wasn’t a problem as the broadsides shot up the space marines. Infiltrating scouts lit up scouts in cover and two piranha’s shot up more marines. Suicide crisis suits shot up devastator squads. Overwatch and supporting fire demolished the marines.
The riptide failed to come in twice it landed on a scout and went back into reserve. The suicide crisis team used the jump shoot jump move to get a clear line of sight on some devestators and then jump back into cover. This game really favoured the Tau and I sat back with over-lapping lines of fire and when my opponent got into charge range over watch from the missile side and rail-sides did really well due to twin linking weapons.
My opponent had a very troop heavy list with no tanks or dreadnoughts. He had 1 terminator squad, 3 devastator squads, 1 scout sniper squad and 3 (I think) tactical squads with Kantor in the middle. My list was slightly stronger with 2 fire warrior teams with a fireblade and an ethereal, 2 squads of path finders a fusion blaster armed squadron of piranhas and 3 broadside teams.
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