Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Tau V Ultramarines
After playing Hannah she wanted another game, but this time play as the Imperium so she choose my Shadowsword with a tank and elite heavy space marine list. Her list was the Shadowsword, Land Raider, Land Raider crusader, Rhino, Predator with auto cannon & sponson lascannons, Dreadnought with a plasma cannon and a dreadnought with twin-linked lascannons and missiles, 2 CC terminator squads 5 hammers and shields and 5 with claws, Sternguard and Sicarius. My Tau list was a heavy burst cannon riptide, 2 12 man squads of fire warriors 1 with ethereal and 1 with a fire blade, 1 squad of crisis suits, crisis commander with a body guard, 1 railhead, 1 bursthead, 2x2 broadside teams with railguns and a 3rd team with 2 railguns and 1 missile side. She went first by moving the land raiders up and opened fire and lucky all the shots missed or failed to pen I was quiet happy that the shadowsword's volcano cannon missed otherwise I'd most likely have lost a tank. I moved my rail around to get a better shot on the shadowsword and moved the bursthead flat out behind the blue box to create a cross fire for anything coming through the valley. I fire all of the rail weapons at the shadowsword and managed to knock a few hull points off it but failed to blow it up (it could have killed a huge amount of units).
In turn 2 she kept moving up and the predator started firing at the two broadsides on the tower I saved one with the cover save. The majority of her units were out of range so the rest of them moved flat out or ran. The volcano cannon hit the exposed railhead but it jinked the shot. My suicide crisis team deep struck behind the dreadnoughts and rhino to take advantage of the weaker armour, before being blown apart in the following turn. However, I forgot to take a target lock to give me split fire but was able to wreck the shadowsword with the fusion weapons. I figured this was the most dangerous unit and had to go because of its 120" volcano cannon and 48" lascannons. I tried to jump the suit into cover but got a horrible roll of 3" so they were left exposed. In turn 3 she kept up the advance but left the two dreadnoughts to take on the crisis team before they killed another vehicle (really wish I had taken target lock, may be one of the dreadnoughts would have been killed). The plasma-dread shot at the suits and unsurprisingly killed one. The other two died from a krak missile and lascannon fire. The suicide still have their 100% record of deep striking, killing a big unit then getting mauled off the table. The predator was able to put 2 glances on the railhead and nothing else took a hit. In my turn 3 I shot the railhead's main gun at a dreadnought and blew it sky high, the predator in the middle took a pounding and was able to shrug off a number of hits but finally fell a barrage of missiles. The riptide had nova charged its shield and had started moving up the table because I remembered the termies in the 2 land raiders which I hadn't shot at, yet. The commander and his body guard moved up to support the bursthead which had failed to inflict any damage on the troops (I had thought she was going to run them up with the rhino to swamp me with troops).
In her turn 4 the land raiders moved up and the terminators jumped out. I lost a few fire warriors from the heavy bolters but they passed their leadership. A lascannon shot killed a broadside after I rolled a 1 on cover save. In my turn 5 my fire warriors killed 3 terminators and the other 2 were killed from the bursthead. I knocked the land raider down to 1 hull point but charged the riptide at it and blew it up with smash (the explosion also hurt the riptide). In her turn 5 she killed the riptide (she had been dying to all game) and the other land raider blew up the bursthead with a multi-melta. This explosion knocked a wound off the commander but I rolled a look out sir and passed it to another suit. Didn't want to risk any easy victory points.
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