Tau turn 1
I moved my piranha up the right flank, taking full advantage of cover to get into a good position to shoot at his Russ' approaching me. I Nova charged the riptides and opted to super charge the ion accelerator and heavy burst cannon. The burst-cannon aka "Rippy" annihilated a hellhound which had used its scout move to come up my left flank, the pathfinders got 2 hits on the hellhound and I stripped its cover save. Longstrike and the other hammerhead failed to do any serious damage and my opponent was rolling well with the cover saves. I quickly lost one squad of pathfinders from my opponents battle orders for stripping cover and pinning my units. I lost the missile broadside to heavy fire from lascannons. I did my jump moves with the two riptides, moving them up my left flank to get better line of sight on the blob of troops and to take out the basilisk which was next in Rippy's cross hairs. I nova charged the two riptides and took the weapons again, the piranha kept manouvering into position on the right flank to try get shots off on the side and rear armour on the tanks. Rippy nova charged burst cannon shredded the basilisk but only wrecked it. Longstrike obliterated a Leman Russ which exploded and killed one trooper.
AM turn 2 was frightening to some extent his mortars were deadly accurate and killed 8 fire warriors who only killed one trooper in the previous volley, this unit failed leadership and retreated off the board. One of his deep striking stormtroopers were obliterated by rippy's intercepting smart missiles and burst cannon. Shadowsun and friends had joined the fight and killed enough storm troopers to make them fall back. The final leman russ exposed its rear armour to a piranha which failed to wreck it in the previous turn thanks to line of sight. The tank faced down Shadowsun who rolled 2 penetrating hits on the front armour, removing the last two hull points and wrecking it, after Longstrike had shot at the side armour. Rippy the riptide finally failed a nova charge and with 2 wounds left killed my opponents HQ winning the game 8-2 (I had first blood, slay the warlord, line breaker and owned 1 objective and contested 2).
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