Monday, September 7, 2015

Tau V Relictors 12-0 win

Commander Shadowsun and her Cadre were taking a much needed break from the intense fighting with the Dark Angels. Her forces had landed on an agri planet to carry out repairs and to recon the planet for valuable resources. Their long range scanners and recon drones returned from their scouting missions and found no significant signs of life. They were all alone expect the herds of local fauna that roamed the great plains. The Tau had temporarily moved into a ruined stone structure, Shadowsun and her commanders had convened in a ruined tower. The rest of the battle hardened forces had stayed close to the ruins, the firewarrior teams were honing their skills by searching the buildings and using the indigenous bovine-like creatures as target practice. Beyond the ruins, hills rolled for mile after mile. Among the hills the blood thirsty Relictor forces slaughtered the local creatures. In the ruins a number of stray bolter rounds blew chunks out of the eon-old structure. Shadowsun peered over a wall and saw a raiding party of grey and black armor clad marines rumbling over the hills towards her unit. Deciding against an immediate lightening strike with her bodyguard crisis suits Shadowsun held her unit back until the right moment. Below her; missile-like rounds continued to blow chunks out of the walls while well-timed volleys of pulse rounds zipped across the plains and ripped into the marines. Relictors Turn 1 All of the marine units move up to try remove the Tau's range. A Riptide takes fire from a predator tank in the middle of the battlefield and takes a wound which is saved by the invul save. A land raider that was coming up my right flank shoots at the broadsides in the ruin on my right flank and fails to hit anything. All the other units run in the shooting phase. Tau Turn 1 I move the piranhas into a better position to shoot at at the assault marine unit on my left flank. Both Riptides move up into firing positions. The two Hammerhead tanks move around the building on my right flank to shoot the land raider, aware that it might be full of terminators. The piranha's fusion guns obliterate a chaplain in the assault squad. The heavy burst cannon on the riptide buffed by the pathfinders' marker lights kills 3 assault marines in the same squad. The broadsides in my centrefield wreck the predator with glancing hits from the heavy railguns and high yield missiles. The first hammerhead fails to damage the land raider and longstrike scores an immobilizing hit on the vehicle. Relictors Turn 2 Hoping to get into close combat before being devastated by another hail of rounds the surviving assault marines continue to move up my left flank. The enemy warlord and his unit of marines move up and over the hill. The terminators get out of the crippled land raider which shoots at longstrike and fails to penetrate the tank's hull. A devastator squad near the wrecked land raider fails to kill a broadside. A plasma gun in the ruin on my left flank fails to hit the iontide. Marines in the centre shoot at the piranhas and fail to damage the skimmers. Tau 2 Sensing a perfect time to spring her trap Shadowsun and her elite crisis suits and another commander jump into the fray. I nova charge both riptides. The firewarriors in the ruin on my left flank shoot at the assault marines and fail to wound, the piranhas kill 2 more with blasts from their fusion guns. The iontide's nova charged weapon kills 3 marines in cover with the nova charged weapon, the other 6 marines in the unit are saved by 6 cover save. The heavy burst cannon buffed again by the pathfinders kills 4 more assault marines on my left flank killing the unit but I get hot and take a wound. The Commander's crisis suit and its body guard kills 3 marines on the hill with plasma. Aware of the devestating firepower on the down but not out land raider Longstrike takes another shot at the tank and knocks a lascannon off the tank. Shadowsun takes aim at the crippled tank and obliterates it with a single fusion blast from close range. A firewarrior team on my right flank shoot at the disembarked terminators and fail to wound. The broadside unit that killed wrecked the terminator puts 2 wounds on the enemy commander. The Riptides move up and shadowsun moves back into cover. Relictors 3 The Relictor assault marines that were in reserve come on my right flank. I choose not to intercept them so I can target priority units in my turn three. The HQ breaks away from his unit and moves in the direction of the iontide. The marines move closer to my commander crisis suit. The marines in the ruins take aim at the piranhas and fail to damage them. A plasma blot from the same unit penetrates the nearest skimmer but jink saves the day. A krak missile from the devastator squad kills a broadside on my right flank. Bolters fail to wound the two surviving broadsides. The terminators from the wrecked land raider put a wound on shadowsuns bodyguard with the assault cannon. The assault terminators that came in run towards the tau lines. Tau 3 I move the piranhas flat out up my left flank to secure linebreaker and get into a firing position on the remaining marines in cover. Both riptides fail to nova charge their weapons. Both Hammerheads shuffle around to target the assault terminators, shadowsun moves out to shoot the terminaators. The riptide moves up to the centre field. The Iontide stays on my left flank. Commander and his bodygard push to my left to take aim at the HQ. Pathfinders light up the HQ, the bodyguard buffed by the scouts kills the HQ with plasma shots. The Commander kills 1 marine with plasma and 1 with the ion blaster. The iontide scatters the ion blast and hits nothing. The firewarriors in the ruin on my left kills 1 marine in cover. The heavy burst cannon kills the marine with the missile launcher in the building. Longstrike's burst cannon kills an ass terminator then fails to hit a terminator with the solid shot. The other hammerhead kills 1 marine. Shadowsun and her bodyguard fails to kill the ass terminators, the missile side kills 2 more marines in the open. I move all of the suits move up into aggressive positions. Relictors 4 The assault terminators move towards longstrike, and the other terminators move up. Termies shoot at the broadsides who save the wounds, the assualt cannon puts 2 rends which are saved. Commander takes 2 shots from the ruin and saves them. The assault terminators try to charge longstrike and 2 die from over watching broadsides, the survivors fail to get into combat. Tau 4 The iontide hurts itself with the nova charge and the other riptide successfully nova charges. The piranhas don't move. Shadowsun gets closer to the terminators. The firewarriors in my left flank kill another marine in cover. The commander kills 2 more with plasma and 1 with the ion blaster. The bodyguard kills 2 more with plasma. Piranhas finish the unit with a volley of fusion blasts. The iontide finishes the squad in my center field with 3 ion accelerator shots. The other riptide fails to kill anything with the nova charged heavy burst cannon. Longstrike wounds a terminator with a solid shot which makes its invul. Shadowsun and her unit kills 4 terminators with plasma and fusion blasts. The broadside team kills the surviving terminator with a hail of missiles. Relictors 5 In a desperate last charge the assault terminators moves towards shadowsun. Bolters from the ruin shoot at shadowsun and fail to wound the unit. The assault terminator gets into combat and is killed by a bodyguard before getting a chance use the thunderhammer. Tau 5 I fire everything into the unit in the ruin and finish it off with a volley from the broadsides and hammerheads. I won the game with first blood, slay the warlord, line breaker and scoring victory points by killing units. Picking a stand out MVP of this game is difficult since so many units played very well. The buffed riptide (Rippy) did really well but the Crisis Commander and his bodyguard did very well by killing the warlord and slaughtering numerous marines.

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