Turn 1
I won the roll off and opted to deploy first and go first. There was no night fight and my opponent failed take the initiative. I moved my squadron of piranhas up the left flank to manoeuvre into position behind the vehicles. The hammerheads started moving towards my left flank but remained behind the ruined building to maximize cover and to get a better arc of firing on the enemy tanks behind the ruined building. Both riptides nova charged their primary weapons. The pathfinders in the ruined building on my left flank lit up the scouts hiding in the adjacent building and reduced their cover saves and increased the broadsides bs. The missileside in the unit kills 1 scout and the railsides blast 2 more to pieces. The other squad lit up a tank and increased the hammerheads bs which knocked a hull point off a rhino. Longstrike stuns a razorback behind a ruin on my right flank. The Swordfish hits a rhino but fails to damage it. The burst-tide kills 1 marine in cover and the iontide fires a nova blast but it scatters. Riptides move up.
The Hammerhead's take up position behind a ruin to begin trading blows with the Dark Angels armour.
Dark Angels turn 1
Drop pod comes in on my left flank. A razor back comes up my right flank and the damaged rhino comes up the centre. Psyker roles presience and gets perils and suffers a wound, razorback shoots at the ion tide who gets his invul save. 3 missiles from the devestator squad in the ruins hit the ion tide and it takes 1 wound. Pathfinders loose 1 guy to bolter fire and another is saved from cover. The ion tide takes 1 wound and a lot are saved. On my left flank I loose 2 firewarriors, piranhas are ok after bolter fire. The iontide survives sniper fire. I loose 1 piranha to bolter fire and 1 plasma marine dies, the burst tide is hit by the land raider's lascannons but gets the invul.
The vets arrive in the drop pod into what will a hotly contested corner.
Tau turn 2
Shadowsun and friends walk on to reinforce my left flank and to avenge the 2 warriors who had been killed. Both riptides nova charge their primary weapons, tanks move around a bit, pathfinders strip the save from the scouts the missileside kills the remaining scout and the broadsides blow up the damaged rhino. Longstrike fails to damage a tank. The burst tide kills a tank with its primary gun, the swordfish fails to do any damage and the ion tide kills 3 marines with the ion accelerator, shadowsun and friends kill 2 marines with fusion and plasma blasts. They then move into cover using their jump packs.
Dark Angels turn 2
The terminators deep strike in my left flank, perils kill the other warlord giving me slay the warlord and a victory point. The burst tide interceptors the stormtalon with its heavy burst cannon and stuns it. Intercepting broadsides kill 1 terminator with plasma fire, pathfinders die and 1 unit of fire warriors takes a beating, pathfinders die. Tau 3 I decide to nova charge both riptides and both guns are charged, tanks shuffle a bit more to respond to my opponents movements. The burst tide kills the stormtalon and terminators die to fire from shadowsun and the broadside, swordfish damages a tank, hammerheads fail to do anything, the burst tide jumps up towards the ruin to engage the marines in combat.
Dark Angels turn 3
Tanks move up, vets fail to come in.
Tau turn 4
Swordfish blows up a razorback, the explosion kills a marine. Broadside kills 2 terminators, shadowsun kills a tank. The burst tide becomes locked in combat with the marines on the ruined building.
Dark Angels turn 4
Vets deep strike and a blast from the Ion tide kills 3 meltas marines, I risked the blast scattering back onto the Iontide who was only 3 inches away. Swordfish takes a beating from various units but gets away and only took 1 glancing hit. Tau 5 Kill 1 marine from pulse fire, 4 marines die to commander and a crisis suit. After my 5th turn I my phone died so I was unable to take down more notes. It was a good game.
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