Dark Angels turn 1
Razorback moves up on my right flank into the sights of an Ion-accelerator armed Riptide and the piranhas. The rhinos and the land raider move up the centre and another rhino empties its load on my left flank after moving up. A rhino shoots at the pathfinders in the centre and hits 1 who gets a cover save. A razorback shoots a Las shot at the piranha and misses. 3 missiles blow up 1 piranha and damage a 2nd. Land raider kills 2 pathfinders and fails to damage the hammerhead which will retaliate.
Tau turn 1
Nova charges fail and split fire from the broadsides blow up a rhino. The land raider, with an increased BS from the surviving pathfinders is blown up by the Hammerhead.
Dark Angels turn 2
The Deathwing terminators, lead by Belial deep strike behind a hill on my right flank and his razorback pushes up to cut them off. Scout snipers kill 2 fire warriors and the storm bolters kills 1 fire warrior on my left flank. The tactical squad kills 4 fire warriors in the centre. The 2nd piranha is blown up and wounds 1 fw who is ok. The terminators kill 1 broadside with a assault cannon and wound another.
Tau turn 2
Longstrike kills a tank in my flank after the hammerheads move up and the fire warriors in the centre kill 1 tactical marine. Shadowsun and friends didn't come in and the commander mishaped.
Dark Angel turn 3
Tactical squad in the kill 6 fws in the centre. Assault marines kill 2 pathfinders with a flamer. The terminators on my flank fail the charge and loose 2 in the process.
Tau turn 3
The railside kills 1 terminator after killing 2 in the over watch phase. The missileside kills 1 assault marine. The burst tide nova charges and kills 1 scout and takes a wound.
Dark Angels turn 4
Dreadnought mishaps on the way in but the other pod comes in and I overwatch with the riptides, the one with the ion weapon kills 2 marines. The burst tide kills nothing. The tactical squad in the centre move up. Veteran squad kills the commanders body guard with a melta after wounding it with a plasma gun. The tactical squad kills a fw in the centre and the Ion tide takes a wound. Hammerhead takes 3 missiles and is fine. The Ion tide takes a wound but saves it.
Tau turn 4
The commander avenged his body guard and killed 3 vets with plasma and the ion weapon. Split fire from the railside killed a terminator, the missile side killed 1 ravenwing and split fire from shadowsun and her body guard killed 2 more ravenwing and 2 assault marines. The Ion tide intercepted a drop pod and knocked a hull point off a dreadnought. A Las shot hit and wounded rippy junior who survived and is on 1 wound. The hammerhead took another missile and it bounced off. Termies split fire at shadowsun and cause no wounds the assault cannon kills the missile side and wounds the railside.